Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My fashion learning curve

I'm still not sure exactly what makes me think I can do a "fashion blog". It just all the sudden was something I had to do, but as you can see, my style has not really arrived yet. Sit back folks, you get to watch me make mistakes and learn. Starting out I have been scared to post outfits. What if I make a mistake and pair a hideous combination that I love and everyone else hates? What my outfit is so clearly stupid that everyone in the world knows it but me? What if I do it wrong?

Unlike some of the people who have been at this for years, my outfits still sometimes look all wrong to me or like they are missing something. For whatever reason, maybe so you can benefit from my mistakes, I decided to go ahead with the blog before I have it all figured out. Watch me mess up and figure things out. It has been keeping my kids entertained for years. Why shouldn't everybody benefit?

Our pets enjoy blocking the view of my shoes as I learn how to photograph myself. When I'm behind the camera, I notice things like squinting and sunlight. Give me a tripod and it's like I forget everything I know about photography.  I've offered my teens the job of being my blog photographers and they are considering my offer. Negotiations are under way.

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