I never thought I'd say that because normally I'm afraid of thrifted clothing. It makes me think of the jeans I bought at Goodwill when I was in college and how 1,000 washes never quite got rid of that cigarette smell. At least I hope that's what it was.
But I visited Finders Keepers and hit the motherload. Apparently somebody had brought in all their old jackets because there were a boatload of size 12p jackets. I put the size because it's way smaller than I can ever wear on bottom and even usually on top. I'm still confused about whether I'm pear-shaped or have an hour glass figure. I just know if I told you my jean size, you wouldn't believe me. It means I have to buy pants to fit my butt and thighs and have the waist taken up. Or at least I should have the waist taken up. Usually I either do a sloppy job myself, try to cinch it with a belt or simply ignore the problem. However my blogging efforts have made me acutely aware recently of how badly my pants fit. Like I said, I'm a work in progress. I look at my photos and think, "How can I post this when those pants have such a severely sagging crotch?" Sorry, I couldn't solve all my wardrobe woes at once, but hopefully we'll begin to see improvement in this area.
But for the good news--rust jacket, animal print zipper sweater, brown tweed Sag Harbor skirt and grey pencil skirt. Then the $40 London Fog trench coat brings the total to $88. I've been looking for skirts to wear with my new boots and for jackets for a *slightly* more structured look. I have to be able to move my arms freely and, amazingly enough, I could in that jacket. Normally, I'm soooo finicky about anything close-fitting. Think super picky little kid with clothing issues and you get the idea.
Be on the lookout for outfits featuring these!
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