I will not be posting an outfit photo this morning since I'm wearing a sleep shirt and PJ pants. Maybe later on today if I feel like it. I'm off work until next year and moving slow this morning.
Yesterday's outfit wasn't photographed either because I work an exact replica outfit, something I rarely do now. I wore the black leggings, turquoise tunic/dress and long sweater vest from Old Navy. O.K. I'll put a picture in case you forgot.

Amusing story. . . I love the look of weathered brick and have been scouting locations. Since I work in a downtown historic area, it's everywhere, but finding a semi-private place is hard. I'm still self-conscious and don't want to just set up my tripod in a high-traffic area. So I spotted this parking lot. Tough photo shoot though because it was super windy that day. My camera actually toppled off the top of my car and I ended up setting it in the seat with the door open. When I drove away I realized I was photographing myself across the street from the back of a men's shelter and across from a probation reporting office. Nice scouting, huh?
When my husband saw this outfit he did a complete head to toe eye sweep but didn't say a word. I'm taking that to mean he thought it was weird. Usually he comments if he likes something. Oh well, I like it.
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