Does Fear Decrease After 40?
Until recently I never would have thought to have this tee, red belt and black shoes but I'm tired of living in fear. Wardrobe fear is limiting just like other fears that sometimes hold me captive. When I was 25 I thought the exciting parts of my life would be over at 40. Totally the opposite! There's something about something about turning 40 that is freeing for women and makes us think, "Well, why not?"
How different things are now. Still, I sometimes find myself battling fear and indecision. My husband thinks I can do anything and can't believe how much I let anxiety immobilize me. He sometimes teases me about changing my name to "what if". All that thinking and worrying is really tiring and doesn't get you anywhere. This is the year I've decided fear is for the birds. I'm stepping out and taking risks even if it means making some mistakes. Clothing is just one small area but it contributes to the feeling of confidence in ways I never expected. How about you? Does clothing sometimes have deeper meaning for you?
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